Heybrook Primary and Nursery

Heybrook Primary and Nursery School




At Heybrook Primary School, we aspire to offer a rich, broad and ambitious school experience where children are inspired in their learning. Our curriculum is diverse, well sequenced and progressive. As a knowledge-engaged curriculum, knowledge sits at the heart of all learning given that it underpins and enables the application of skills. We have a strong emphasis on cross-curricular teaching in order to make the curriculum more meaningful and relevant to our children. Moreover, these links allow the children to build a persistent schema of knowledge in which they can contextualise and retain new knowledge. We know that reading and vocabulary are the key to social mobility and so we immerse our children in a wealth of high-quality texts, reading opportunities and language exposure.


Ultimately, our curriculum is designed so that all of our children can embody our four pillars:



Core values

Academic knowledge and skills are fundamental to our curriculum here at Heybrook. Nevertheless, we have ensured that our curriculum is underpinned by our core values. We have built our curriculum around these values because these are the ideals we want our children to champion as empowered and responsible members of their community (both locally and globally).



Curiosity - wanting to know and learn more

Democracy - everyone's voice counts

Diversity - celebrating difference, including others and knowing that everyone is important

Empathy - understanding the feelings of others

Equality - treating people fairly

Identity - who you are and what is special about you

Respect - caring about how your words and actions affect others

Sustainability - looking after our world


These core values are interwoven across the curriculum. Alongside the academic considerations, they are key to helping us design our topic focus, key questions, core text selection, assemblies and more.



We aim to:

  • Inspire our children with a rich and engaging curriculum offer
  • Offer a broad and balanced curriculum to all our pupils, regardless of background or achievement
  • Ensure clear progression and academic rigour in all subjects
  • Revisit key knowledge and skills to maximise retention
  • Prioritise reading and vocabulary development as the drivers of social mobility
  • Foster a love of reading and learning
  • Instil a set of core moral values for our children to respect and live by
  • Nurture confident, independent and resilient children who are well-equipped for later life
  • Protect and develop our children’s mental health, wellbeing and emotional resilience
  • Offer a wide range of enrichment activities and experiences linked to the curriculum, as well as varied extra-curricular opportunities


Curriculum maps

The curriculum across school has been carefully mapped to ensure clear progression, breadth and balance. Horizontal, vertical and diagonal links have been made across the curriculum. Please see below for more details:


Curriculum Map (Nursery) 2023-2024

Curriculum Map (Reception) 2023-2024

Curriculum Map (Year 1) 2023-2024

Curriculum Map (Year 2) 2023-2024

Curriculum Map (Year 3) 2023-2024

Curriculum Map (Year 4) 2023-2024

Curriculum Map (Year 5) 2023-2024

Curriculum Map (Year 6) 2023-2024


Curriculum Newsletters

Keeping parents informed about our curriculum so that they know what our children are learning and what vocabulary they will meet is very important. We send curriculum newsletters home each half term. Below are the ones for Autumn 2024. If you want to find out more about the curriculum, please email the school office: office@heybrook.co.uk



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6