Welcome to Year 1!
The Year 1 classes and teachers are:
Amber - Miss Nisar
Saffron - Mrs Mount
Orange - Mrs Akhter
PE Days
Amber & Orange - Monday
Saffron - Tuesday
Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school and that it is labelled with their name:
- black leggings/shorts/tracksuit bottoms
- white T-shirt with the Heybrook logo on (this is provided by school)
- black pumps/trainers
Please make sure your child's PE kit stays in school. We will send the kits home just before half term for them to be washed and returned.
If your child has earrings in, please take them out beforehand.
We will be using the Forest School area throughout the year and kindly ask you to bring in some wellies for your child. These will be stored in school. We ask for wellies as this will avoid your child's school shoes from getting dirty. Please make sure that your child's name is clearly labelled on them.
Reading Records/Books
All children in Year 1 have been given a reading book and a reading record. Please try to read with your child at least 3 times a week and record this in the reading record. At the front of the reading record, there are some prompts that are there to help you ask your child some questions to help them retrieve (find) information from the book. We would like your child to bring the reading book and reading record into school daily so we can listen to them read. They should stay in your child's bag.
Please practise the following with your child at home:
- Count and sort objects
- Count forwards and backwards within 100
- Compare and order numbers
- Find number bonds within 20
- Addition facts
- Writing numbers as digits and words from1 - 20
Everyone has a login to Mathletics. Please make sure that you complete the work that has been set by your teacher. -
We have recently explored the book 'The Secret Sky Garden'. This focuses on a small girl called Funni who is determined to make an old car park clean and safe.
Our new class book is 'Katie in London'.
We complete a spelling test every Friday. Please support your child by practising their new spelling words.
The children are currently focusing on phase 5 sounds. Please continue to support your child at home by recapping sounds. Please ask class teachers if you have any questions about phonics.
Children can practise their phonics on Phonics Play which has some free phonics games.
In Science we will be recapping our previously taught topics.
The children will be focusing on:
- Animal including humans
- Seasons
- Every day materials
This half term the children will be learning about London and who lives there.
Some key vocab we will be using are:
- United Kingdom
- Capital
- City
- Palace
- River Thames
- King and Queen